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Category: Legals Legal Notices
Source: Fredericksburg Standard
Listed: Wed Sep 18th

THE STATE OF TEXAS TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OF JOSEPH BURTON ST. PIERRE, DECEASED ON the 10th day of September, 2024, Ashely Rene Edrington, Applicant filed an Application requesting that a determination and declaration be made of the Heirs and only Heirs of the said JOSEPH BURTON ST. PIERRE, Deceased, and their respective shares and interests in this estate, in a proceeding styled ESTATE OF JOSEPH BURTON ST. PIERRE, DECEASED, and bearing No. PB24-0127 in the County Court of Gillespie County, Texas. The Court will hear the aforesaid Application at 10:00 o clock A.M. on the first Monday after the expiration of 10 days, exclusive of the day of publication, from the date this Citation is published, which will be Monday, the 23 rd day of September, 2024, in the County Courtroom in the County Courthouse of Gillespie County, in Fredericksburg, Texas. All persons interested in the aforesaid Estate are commanded to appear at or before the time set for said hearing by filing a written contest or answer to said Application, should they desire to oppose or contest it. Said written contest or answer shall be filed in the office of the County Clerk of Gillespie County, Texas, in Fredericksburg, Texas. The officer serving this Citation shall, in compliance with the law, serve it by publication once in a Newspaper of general circulation in this, the County in which such proceeding is pending, for not less than 10 days before the return day hereof, exclusive of the day of publication, and the date of publication said Newspaper bears shall be the date of publication. If this Citation is not served within 90 days after the date of issuance, it shall be returned unserved. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this the 10th day of September, A.D. 2024, at office in Fredericksburg, Texas. Lindsey Brown, County Clerk Gillespie County, Texas By __________________, Deputy Carissa Staats ISSUED this 10 th day of September, 2024. Lindsey Brown, County Clerk Gillespie County, Texas By __________________, Deputy Carissa Staats
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