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Category: Legals Legal Notices
Source: Fredericksburg Standard
Listed: Wed Nov 27th

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF MARIANNA LEE LIVELY as Independent Executor of the Estate of JAMES OTIS LIVELY, Deceased. Pending in the County Court, Gillespie County, Texas, Cause No. PB24-0129 TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN THE ABOVE ESTATE: WHEREAS, on the 28th day of October 2024, in the County Court, Gillespie County, Texas, the undersigned duly qualified as the Independent Executor of the Estate of James Otis Lively, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Original Letters Testamentary on this estate were granted and this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned within the time prescribed by law. Any person indebted to said estate is hereby notified to pay same to the undersigned: MARIANNA LEE LIVELY, Independent Executor of the Estate of James Otis Lively, Deceased. Address: c/o Granstaff, Gaedke & Edgmon, P.C., Attorneys, Attn: Christopher H. Jackson, 5535 Fredericksburg Road, Suite 110, San Antonio, Texas 78229. Dated at Fredericksburg, Gillespie County, Texas, November 26, 2024.
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